Double El CD Matching Grants program provided $25,000 grant funds for cost share reimbursement to landowners to address resource issues and provide needed maintenance on Pl566 dams to address public safety concerns and reduce downstream flood hazards. Twenty-one requests were received, resulting in $43,869 cost share assistance on total project costs of $86,126
- Thirteen conservation projects were completed and received $17,962 in funding assistance and for total project cost of $52,369.
- Producer’s projects were capped at $2000 maximum cost-share reimbursement in order to be able to serve more landowners and complete more projects.
Projects Funded:
- Two landowners treated 45 acres infested with Canada Thistle/Knapweed benefiting 227 acres.
- No windbreaks or living snow fences were approved because the grant funding wasn’t approved until later in the year. Double El provided their own funding to cost share windbreaks totally separate from the Matching Grants program.
- However, Matching Grants cost share funds were approved for two fence projects for windbreak livestock exclusion.
- Six solar pumping systems, 1 well, 1 livestock tank, and 2760 ft of pipeline were completed to improve rangeland management and provide water facilities to assist with the drought effects in the district benefiting 2,180 acres.
- Total acres benefited were 7,940 acres and 23.5 tons of soil erosion was saved.
- Five PL566 dams were repaired to improve public safety and downstream flood hazards. Repaired outlets, trash racks and installed fences to prevent damage caused by livestock on dam structures.