On Monday, June 13, 2016, with cooler conditions, clouds gathering on the horizon and a touch of humidity in the air, the Double El team, in partnership with NRCS, El Paso County DOT, McKnight Tree Planting and local Conservation Cooperators, installed three Living snow fences in eastern El Paso County before lunchtime.
A total of 785 Rocky Mountain Juniper trees were installed during the morning, over a combined area of 6,480 feet (1.22 miles) of trees which improve the local environment, protect roadways, lower snow removal costs for citizens and decrease the maintenance costs associated with the older, traditional, wood-slat snow fences.
The crew was all smiles, as the cooler conditions and promise of rain later provided the perfect conditions for welcoming trees to their new home on the plains of Colorado.
Project #1 – Funk Road (between Berridge & Oil Well)
615 trees were installed, in two rows, protected with weed barrier and settled into a 1/2 mile stretch to protect Funk Road from winter snows.

Cloud cover sweeps across the prairie, creating perfect conditions for planting new living snow fence – Pictured, planting team & tractor, and supplies truck carrying trees/polymer to resupply crew when needed.

Kiethly W. (El Paso DOT) walks the line and announces, “Plant!” when the orange flag indicates proper spacing for next tree placing…

Cheryl, (Double El District Manager), drops a cup of polymer in the place, and Chad, (NRCS) places the tree into its’ new home.

Placing the tree

During break to replenish supplies, planting team members walk the row to ensure each tree properly set and secure, before weed barrier laid down.

Rocky Mountain Juniper, planted and ready for weed-barrier protection.

Behind the Planting team, comes the weed barrier team – consisting of advance team to double check each planting, weed barrier laying crew & machinery, and followed by ‘cutters’, who release the seedlings from their temporary cover, to greet the sun & the shovel crew that manually place dirt over top of weed barrier in between trees, for extra layer of protection from wind/storms that can displace newly installed weed barrier
Project #2 – Berridge Road (Near intersection with Harrisville Road)
The advance and planting crew packed up and traveled north on Berridge, to the second site, to prepare start the second planting of 600 foot, two-row installation of 75 trees.

Advance crews gear up to plant 2nd project at Berridge Road – new wind towers spin on the horizon, as the gathering clouds and rain move in from west.

..and, from cooperative effort, a new Living Snow Fence is installed.
Upon completion of the second project, the team was persuaded to pose for a photo.
(Yes, we say “Trees!” instead of “Cheese”!)

(Pictured, left to right: Elizabeth C. (El Paso DOT), John W. (El Paso DOT Team Leader), Bill S. (El Paso DOT), Chad (NRCS), Rick W. (El Paso DOT), Jeremy M. (McKnight’s Tree Planting Service), Thomas H. (El Paso DOT), Benny K. (NRCS), Clint M. (McKnight’s Tree Planting Service), Kiethly W. (El Paso DOT), Cheryl C. (Double El Conservation District Manager)
Project #3 – Harrisville Road (near Berridge Road intersection)
In increasing wind and the beginning drops of moisture, the team traveled a short ways over to Harrisville and installed another 600 foot, two row living snow fence, totaling 75 trees.
Want to Learn More?
Interested in how a living snow fence or windbreak can enhance your property? Need help in planning your conservation efforts? Contact Us, we can help!
- Cattle grazing as spring storm rolls in
- Prickly Pear (not great for grazing land, but makes wonderful jelly! If you are brave enough to harvest the fruits)
- Pastureland
- Lupine – Learn more at the Colorado Plant Database
- Cool season, Smooth Brome
- Western Wheat Grass, aka Adobe – likes clay soils and is a cool season grass
- Soapweed and companion
- Advance crews gear up to plant 2nd project at Berridge Road
- Rocky Mountain Juniper, planted and ready for weed-barrier protection.
- Cloud cover sweeps across the prairie, creating perfect conditions for planting new living snow fence.
- Laying of weed barrier
- Planting crew
- New living snow fence installed
- NRCS team and McKnight Tree Service crew
- Weed Barrier
- Double Checks
- Double-Checks
- Placing the tree
- Settled into the Planting Seat
- Planting Crew
- Walkin’ the Line
- Group Photo