Double El & Agate Conservation Districts recently hosted a Local Work Group meeting open to all landowners.
Local Work Group Mission
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) asked each conservation district in Colorado to sponsor a Local Work Group (LWG) meeting. The LWG provides recommendations to USDA NRCS on:
- Local natural resource priorities
- Helps draft local ranking questions
- Recommends funding distributions for focus areas
The information provided will be used in development of the FY2017 financial assistance and easement programs and the input is critical to effectively developing and implementing these programs.
Top Concerns Identified
The Double El & Agate LWG identified the top concerns as follows:
- Invasive Species (Noxious Weeds and Prairie Dogs, etc)
- Grazing incentives needed
- Small acreage conservation programs
- Funding assistance for perimeter fencing on non-renewed CRP lands to enable landowners to keep in grassland for grazing
Issues & Challenges in Participation Identified
Issues or limitations preventing producers from treating these concerns or from participating in available programs were identified as follows:
- Lack of funding assistance for costly treatments
- Lack of interest/knowledge
- Lack of Industrial strength products available for agricultural primary income producers
- Lack of interest from landowners if agriculture is not their primary income
- Perception and lack of understanding
- Financial assistance/incentives to make it feasible for younger people to be able to become agriculture producers
Thank you to the landowners who took time to attend and provide important input for NRCS 2017 programs.