Categories: Deciduous, Fall ColorQuaking aspen is the most widely distributed tree of North America. It is fast-growing, relatively short-lived and commonly attains heights of 50-60 ft. This tree is very intolerant of shade and competition and is extremely susceptible to many types of damaging agents which at times may make it difficult to establish as transplants. It is found on many types of soil from moist loamy sands to shallow, rocky decomposing granite. When aspen stands are cut or burned, innumerable root suckers grow quickly from those roots less than 3 or 4 ft. deep.
Aspen is never used as a windbreak or snow fence tree due to its short life span and propensity to insect and disease problems. In addition, plants in the populacae family have soft wood which do not hold up well to heavy, wet snows.
Plant aspen from 6,000 to 11,000 feet where water and sunlight are abundant. May be planted as a wildlife habitat for winter forage of deer and elk, and nesting cavities for birds.
Scientfic Name: Populus tremuloidesNative: Yes
Growth Habit: Open
Growth Rate: Rapid
Max. Height (ft): 50
Max Width/Spread (ft): 35
Life Span: Moderate
Cold Hardiness: Excellent
Drought Resistance: Poor
Elevation Range: 11000
Soil Conditions: moist, from loamy sand to shallow, rocky, decomposing granite
Wildlife Value: High
Wildlife Notes: Buds and catkins for food value for grouse and browsers
Seasonal Color: Fall Yellow
Possible Insect Issues: poplar borerer, scale, tent caterpillar, twig gall fly
Possible Disease Issues: cytospora canker, leaf spot
Ordering Information:
Our 2025 Tree Program is Open.
- Seedling Tree Sales are Open for order from January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025, with an estimated arrival date of May 9, 2025.
- Large Tree Sales are Open for order from January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025, with an estimated arrival date of April 18, 2025.
*Trees purchased through our programs cannot be resold, are intended for conservation efforts, and not for ornamental-only landscaping projects. We do not ship orders at this time. Other conditions may apply, dependent upon the program products you choose to purchase. For full details, visit our Tree Program, Shipping, Payment & Returns and Terms & Conditions pages for more information.