Categories: Evergreen, Fall Color, Proven Performer, Wildlife Value, Windbreak
Eastern Red Cedar
Native to eastern North America, but is cultivated for shelter belt use up to 7,500 ft. elevation. Does best on dry soils in full sunlight, is winter hardy and drought tolerant, making it an excellent choice for single or double row windbreaks, or outer row of multi-row windbreaks in Double El district area.
In our years of providing our Tree Program, we have found Eastern Red Cedar to be a proven performer and great return on investment for windbreaks and shelter belts.
Moderately fast growing and long lived, its’ foliage turns very rust red color in the winter, giving a pretty view when planted in row of windbreak facing towards your house.
High wildlife value by providing both food and cover for numerous birds and mammals.
Scientfic Name: Juniperus VirginianaNative: No
Growth Habit: Dense
Growth Rate: Slow
Max. Height (ft): 20
Max Width/Spread (ft): 30
Life Span: Long
Cold Hardiness: Excellent
Drought Resistance: Excellent
Elevation Range: 7500
Soil Conditions:
Wildlife Value: High
Wildlife Notes: Song and game birds; hoofed browsers, good cover
Seasonal Color: fall rusty red
Possible Insect Issues: spider mites
Possible Disease Issues: rust
Miscellany: Very adaptable to site conditions
Ordering Information:
Our 2025 Tree Program is Open.
- Seedling Tree Sales are Open for order from January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025, with an estimated arrival date of May 9, 2025.
- Large Tree Sales are Open for order from January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025, with an estimated arrival date of April 18, 2025.
*Trees purchased through our programs cannot be resold, are intended for conservation efforts, and not for ornamental-only landscaping projects. We do not ship orders at this time. Other conditions may apply, dependent upon the program products you choose to purchase. For full details, visit our Tree Program, Shipping, Payment & Returns and Terms & Conditions pages for more information.