Categories: Evergreen, Proven Performer, Wildlife Value, Windbreak
Image courtesy of Richard Webb, Bugwood.org
Spreading evergreen, which can reach a mature height of 40-80 ft., it has adapted to a wide range of soils and once established, is drought tolerant.
Moderately fast growing, longed lived and winter hardy up to 7000 ft., elevations, it performed well in our area and has come to be a favorite for windbreaks.
While it does provide some food and cover for birds and small animals, it not a preferred forage for bigger game.
Use in central or leeward rows of multi-row plantings, or may also be used in single row windbreaks. Weak and brittle wood-strength may be a problem during heavy, late or early snows. Also an excellent Christmas tree species.
Scientfic Name: Pinus sylvestrisNative: No
Growth Habit: Open
Growth Rate: Rapid
Max. Height (ft): 65
Max Width/Spread (ft): 40
Life Span: Long
Cold Hardiness: Very Good
Drought Resistance: Very Good
Elevation Range: 7000
Soil Conditions:
Wildlife Value: High
Wildlife Notes: Food value for upland game and songbirds
Seasonal Color: evergreen
Possible Insect Issues: tip moths, ips beetles
Possible Disease Issues: Fairly Resistant
Miscellany: Excellent Christmas Tree
Ordering Information:
Our 2025 Tree Program is Open.
- Seedling Tree Sales are Open for order from January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025, with an estimated arrival date of May 9, 2025.
- Large Tree Sales are Open for order from January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025, with an estimated arrival date of April 18, 2025.
*Trees purchased through our programs cannot be resold, are intended for conservation efforts, and not for ornamental-only landscaping projects. We do not ship orders at this time. Other conditions may apply, dependent upon the program products you choose to purchase. For full details, visit our Tree Program, Shipping, Payment & Returns and Terms & Conditions pages for more information.