Low shrub with edible fruit; best on sandy to loamy soils; to 7,500′ elev.; short lived.
Tall shrub with edible fruit and attractive flowers; for mountain sites up to 9,000′ elev.
Siberian Elm
Tall, drought tolerant tree; grows well on most soils; to 8,000′ elev.; weedy.
Sumac (skunkbush)
Medium, drought tolerant shurb; grows well on most soils; to 8000 ft. elevation; good wildlife species
Thinleaf Alder
Dramatic fall color, does best in moist soils, so not recommended for Double El district area.
Ponderosa Pine
Tall tree; grows well on most soils except for heavy clay; to 9,000′ elev.; good windbreak species. Proven Performer and highly recommended for multi-row windbreaks in our area to provide height to windbreak design for single or high-density twin row windbreaks.
Wax Currant
Short Shrub, Fall Colors: Drought Tolerant good. Not highly recommended for windbreaks due to small size.
Rocky Mountain Juniper
Medium, drought tolerant tree; does well on most soils; to 9,000′ elev.; excellent windbreak species. Highly recommended for our area for windbreak use, especially for 1 or 2 row designs.
Little Leaf Linden
Grows well in full sun or partial shade. The tree appreciates moist, well-drained soils and can handle short periods of excessive moisture, but is not particularly tolerant of drought conditions and tends to scorch easily.
Wild Rose
Rapid growth; drought tolerant; good wildlife species; to 10,000 ft.