Linden yellow fragrant flowers. Attracts bees. ‘Greenspire’. 45 x 25 conical to m. M. Neat formal appearance. Glossy, dark green oval leaves.
Tall tree; grows well on most soils; best at plains elevations; to 7,000′ elev. Proven performer for our area and can be used in middle row of multi-row windbreaks, for height, and/or fall color – use in central row of design.
Himrod Grape
A yellow gold fruit variety, having long loose clusters of medium sized berries. Ripens a month earlier than Concord. This is a very high quality seedless white variety. It is excellent for home garden and table use. One of the hardiest white seedless grapes. Zone 5
Honeycrisp Apple
Hardy variety for Colorado, does well in high elevations. Popular due to ease of growth and flavor – good for eating, cooking and baking. Good to 8,500 ft.
Honey Locust
Medium to tall tree; grows well on most soils; to 7,500′ elev. Proven Performer for our area, fast grower and excellent species for central row of multi-row windbreaks for it’s height and attractive fall color.
Hybrid Cottonwod (poplar)
Tall tree for moist soils; to 6500′ elev.; usually cottonless; no guarantee
Italian Plum
Medium size plum; good for jam and jellies; does better if provide some shelter from elements. Needs two trees for pollination
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Tall tree; low drought tolerant; tough seed pods, rare species.
Lanceleaf Cottonwood
Not recommended for Double El Conservation District area due to moisture needs or elevation range.
Tall shrub; grows well on most soils; to 8,000′ elev.; excellent for windbreak purposes.