A native conifer that can grow in elevations up to 8,500 feet on poor, arid, drought soils. Slow growing but long lived. Can grow up to 15 ft tall. Irregular shaped crown. *Informational Video courtesy CSU
Austrian Pine
Tall tree; grows well on most soils; to 7,000′ elev.; good windbreak species. Proven Performer and highly recommended for multi-row windbreaks in our area to provide height to central row of multi-row windbreak, or single row windbreak where height is needed.
Ponderosa Pine
Tall tree; grows well on most soils except for heavy clay; to 9,000′ elev.; good windbreak species. Proven Performer and highly recommended for multi-row windbreaks in our area to provide height to windbreak design for single or high-density twin row windbreaks.
Rocky Mountain Juniper
Medium, drought tolerant tree; does well on most soils; to 9,000′ elev.; excellent windbreak species. Highly recommended for our area for windbreak use, especially for 1 or 2 row designs.
Scotch Pine
Tall tree; does well on most soils; to 7,000′ elev.; excellent Christmas tree species. Proven Performer and highly recommended for multi-row windbreaks in our area to provide height to central row of a multi-row windbreak design.
Tall shrub with edible fruit and attractive flowers; for mountain sites up to 9,000′ elev.
Siberian Elm
Tall, drought tolerant tree; grows well on most soils; to 8,000′ elev.; weedy.
Sumac (skunkbush)
Medium, drought tolerant shurb; grows well on most soils; to 8000 ft. elevation; good wildlife species
Medium to tall shrub; grows best on sandy to loamy soils; to 9,500′ Can be used in our area for in the outer rows of multi-row plantings, due to its density, excellent cold hardiness and drought tolerance, although not listed as Proven Performer due to defoliation which can occur in some years due to grasshoppers or blister beetles, disappointing landowner with scraggly look in those seasons – but does recover well from attacks.
Medium shrub with edible fruit; grows well on most soils; to 9,000′ elev. Proven Performer and can be used in multi-row windbreaks in our area to provide windward side density to multi-row windbreaks OR where single row consisting of density and short barrier is desired.