Medium to tall tree; grows well on most soils; to 7,500′ elev. Proven Performer for our area, fast grower and excellent species for central row of multi-row windbreaks for it’s height and attractive fall color.
Hardy variety for Colorado, does well in high elevations. Popular due to ease of growth and flavor – good for eating, cooking and baking. Good to 8,500 ft.
A yellow gold fruit variety, having long loose clusters of medium sized berries. Ripens a month earlier than Concord. This is a very high quality seedless white variety. It is excellent for home garden and table use. One of the hardiest white seedless grapes. Zone 5
Tall tree; grows well on most soils; best at plains elevations; to 7,000′ elev. Proven performer for our area and can be used in middle row of multi-row windbreaks, for height, and/or fall color – use in central row of design.
Medium native shrub with bright yellow flowers. Proven Performer for our area, due to sucker sprouting habit and density, recommended for single row, short barriers, or in the windward side of multi-row windbreaks. Provides wildlife value through cover and food.